AIDA and MHI sign contracts

Next generation vessels are to be delivered in spring 2015 and 2016

By Michele Witthaus |

The agreement between Carnival Corporation and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd (MHI) regarding two newbuilds for the AIDA fleet has been formalised with the signing of contracts by the companies. The next generation vessels are to be delivered in spring 2015 and spring 2016 by MHI's shipyard in Nagasaki. The shipbuilding contracts are still subject to Carnival obtaining the required financing.

The two 125,000 gt ships will carry 3,250 passengers each, making them the largest ever constructed for AIDA Cruises. This is the second time that the Carnival Group has placed a newbuild order with MHI, which delivered the Diamond Princess and Sapphire Princess for Princess Cruises in 2004.

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