Baleària to convert to LNG

Five-year dual fuel engine plan for high-speed ferry operator
Baleària to convert to LNG

By Rebecca Gibson |

The Spanish ferry operator, Baleària, has announced it will convert four of its nine high-speed ferries from diesel to liquefied natural gas (LNG). Dual engines will be installed in the four vessels, allowing them to run on both LNG and diesel fuels and comply with fuel supply infrastructures.

The conversion should take five years to complete and indicates the company’s environmental commitment, as LNG fuel reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 25 per cent and eliminates other harmful emissions. The installation of the new engines will also help reduce Baleària’s fuel-related operating costs.

Guillermo Alomar, fleet director of Baleària, said, “We have the ability and experience to integrate climate change. This technology investment will contribute positively to the company because the costs of maintenance of the ship and the price differential with diesel are much lower."

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