CMI partners with ICS and ISF

Groups aim to increase ratification of international maritime conventions
CMI partners with ICS and ISF

By Rebecca Gibson |

The Comité Maritime International (CMI) – the international association for maritime lawyers – has joined with the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Shipping Federation (ISF) to promote the ratification of key international maritime conventions.

The ICS, ISF and CMI have published a brochure to encourage a widespread ratification of a number of instruments adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

“Shipping is an inherently international industry dependent on a global regulatory system to operate efficiently,” said Peter Hinchliffe, ICS/ISF secretary general. “It is crucial that the same regulations governing matters such as safety, environmental protection and liability apply to all ships in international trade, and that the same laws apply to all parts of a ship’s voyage.”

The campaign encourages governments to ratify a number of conventions relating to international liabilities and insurance cover including: the 1996 Protocol to the International Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC); the 2002 Protocol to the Athens Convention on passenger liability (PAL); the 2010 Protocol to the HNS Convention; and the (UNCITRAL) Rotterdam Rules on cargo liability.

The other maritime conventions highlighted in the brochure include MARPOL Annex VI, which concerns atmospheric pollution and CO2 emissions; the IMO ballast water management convention; and the IMO Convention governing liabilities for wreck removal, which was adopted in 2007. It also refers to the IMO (Hong Kong) ship recycling convention, the ILO maritime labour convention relating to employment conditions for seafarers and the ILO Convention 185, which concerns access to shore leave and crew visas.

The launch of the brochure will coincide with the IMO Facilitation Committee meeting, which runs from 8-12 April.

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