Compact broadband at sea

Scalable system suited to small vessels, installed within hours

By Michele Witthaus |

Maritime service and maintenance provider Telemar has teamed up with Orbit Communication Systems and Milano Teleport to provide a new maritime broadband solution, iCGlobal.

Based on the unusually compact OrBand VSAT system, the solution offers all-weather global coverage of C-Band and scalable airtime packages.

“iCGlobal is available in a wide range of pricing models and leasing packages which render it highly competitive in pricing while providing unlimited capacity, committed information rate and superior performance to solutions such as hybrid Ku/FBB and future Ka,” said Giorgio Santantonio, general manager of Telemar Compagnia Generale. The OrBand system, which takes up 40 per cent less deck space than industry-standard systems and is more than 30 per cent lighter, was built specifically to overcome the limitations of traditional C-Band terminals. Small enough to be shipped as a single, fully assembled unit in a standard 20-foot container, it can be installed within a matter of hours while ships are on routine port calls.

Avi Cohen, president and CEO of Orbit Communication Systems, said: “The OrBand system represents the beginning of a new era in maritime C-Bband VSAT solutions. It is ideal for a wide variety of smaller vessels that simply cannot accommodate traditional C-Band systems.”

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