Cruise stats up in Europe

European Cruise Council reports encouraging growth for 2010

By Michele Witthaus |

The European Cruise Council (ECC) says 2010 was another year of sustainable growth for the European cruise industry despite the difficult economic situation.

According to the organisation’s annual report, bookings were up 9.3 per cent, generating more than €35.2 billion of goods and services and 300,000 jobs in Europe, an increase of 55 per cent since 2005.

“It is encouraging and indeed remarkable that in these highly uncertain times the cruise industry continues to grow steadily and make a real social and economic contribution to Europe’s economy,” said Manfredi Lefebvre D’Ovidio, chairman of ECC and of Silversea Cruises. “The number of Europeans and non-Europeans who chose a cruise holiday in Europe has more than doubled in the past decade to over 5 million.” He added: “Cruise lines are fully aware at both company and industry level of their key role in ensuring that growth is sustainable but at the same time it is a challenge to ensure that environmental sustainability goes hand in hand with Europe remaining a good place for doing business.”

On the challenges facing the cruise industry in Europe, Pierfrancesco Vago, vice-chairman of ECC and CEO of MSC Cruises, commented: “The cruise industry cares deeply about the environment. It cares deeply about people, passenger rights and crew rights – the very issues raised in the EU Transport White Paper. Sustainable shipping, greenhouse emission cuts, the transition to low sulphur fuel, waste management, safety packages, regulation and anti-piracy activities are other pressing issues to be concluded. The ECC firmly believes that the cruise sector can make a significant contribution to the debate, and through its pioneering position help to find the solutions to Europe’s challenges.”

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