Damen to refit MSC Magnifica

Ship to undergo 18-day maintenance drydock at Rotterdam yard
Damen to refit  MSC Magnifica

By Rebecca Gibson |

Damen Shiprepair Rotterdam, a subsidiary of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion, has begun repair and maintenance work on MSC Cruises’ MSC Magnifica.

Built in 2010, MSC Magnifica is 293m long and can accommodate more than 2,500 passengers. The ship arrived in Rotterdam on 20 October and is berthed at the yard’s largest drydock, which is 307m in length.

During her 18-day drydock, around 300 Damen staff will carry out extensive steelwork and renew the rudder system, as well as clean, paint, and replace piping throughout the vessel.

“During the drydocking the 700-strong crew will largely stay on the vessel and they have to be able to carry out their normal activities safely, so it is quite a logistical operation,” said Khalil Benjelloul, cruise vessels product manager of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion. “At the same time, there could be up to 300 of our workers and subcontractors dealing with the project.”

Damen Shiprepair & Conversion offers a network of 15 repair and conversion yards worldwide, with dry docks ranging up to 420 by 80m in size.

“Rotterdam was the preferred yard because it offers the large capacity needed and additionally, MSC Magnifica will sail straight on to Hamburg to pick up her passengers for her next cruise,” said Benjelloul. “For the cruise industry, getting the job done within the deadline is crucial because we cannot have thousands of passengers waiting.”

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