DNV GL launches ECO Insight

Company debuts new performance management portal for shipowners
DNV GL launches ECO Insight

By Rebecca Gibson |

DNV GL launched its new performance management portal for shipowners at the SMM trade fair in Hamburg this week.

ECO Insight provides a comprehensive and easily accessible way to manage the performance of hulls and propellers, engines and systems. It can be used to enrich customers’ own fleet reports with industry data – such as automatic identification system, weather, or fuel – and provides benchmarking capabilities. Advanced engineering systems are also packaged into the portal.

“ECO Insight allows our customers to take the next step to greater efficiency,” said Albrecht Grell, head of DNV GL’s Maritime Advisory division. “After exploiting measures to improve the vessels, like retrofitting or engine de-rating, many of our customers are taking an intensive look at how their vessels are being operated. To enhance the way vessels are operated, the natural starting point is to begin to monitor them in a structured way.”

In addition, ECO Insight can be combined with the new Navigator Insight data collection and logging software.

“As we tap into to existing data collection processes onboard, with pre-defined dashboards and a web-based access to hosted data, getting performance management up and running in a shipping company is a matter of several weeks, not months”, said Torsten Büssow, head of DNV GL’s performance management unit. “There’s no additional hardware or data collection systems investment required.”

At SMM, Icelandic energy management company Marorka signed an agreement with DNV GL to integrate its data onto the ECO Insight platform. This will enable customers to manage their complete fleets using the same dashboards and benchmarks for vessels, even if different data collection approaches are in place on different vessels.

ECO Insight and Navigator Insight have each been extensively tested and implemented on some 80 vessels by ten shipping companies across the globe. Another 15 shipping companies have signed up to use DNV GL’s performance management portal.

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