DNV to conduct LNG study

Risk company reviews feasibility of LNG fuel in North American ECAs

By Rebecca Gibson |

Risk management company Det Norske Veritas (DNV) is to conduct a feasibility study on the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) as an international fuel source in the North American emission control area (ECA).

The research will also identify the technological and infrastructure developments needed for the successful implementation of LNG in the region.

A number of topics will be addressed as part of the feasibility study including ship types and routes, environmental benefits, current and planned LNG infrastructures and regulatory regimes.

“In developing LNG as an alternative fuel for short sea shipping, we see significant market opportunities for manufacturers, ship designers and yards with focus on LNG technology,” said Tony Teo, DNV’s technology and business director in the US. “DNV’s involvement in research and innovation in LNG supply, storage, engines and emission issues has demonstrated that ship safety, market mechanisms, and operational regularity can be maintained when operating ships on LNG.”

DNV’s report will be delivered to the International Maritime Organization in October 2013.

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