ESPO ports review underway

Survey focuses on economic and environmental impact of ports

By Rebecca Gibson |

The European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) has launched its 2013 Port Performance Review, which focuses the socio-economic and environmental impact of its ports, as well as the intermodal connectivity of the EU port system. The project will also address the general market and governance trends in ports across Europe. All European port authorities have been invited to contribute before 15 April 2013.

The survey data will be included in the second edition of the Port Performance Dashboard, which was initiated in 2012 as part of the European Commission co-funded Port Performance Indicators Selection and Measurement (PPRISM) project. It will be presented at the ESPO Annual Conference in Varna on 30-31 May, before becoming available to all ports.

The ESPO Environmental Review 2013, which forms part of the overall performance review, will be conducted through ESPO’s dedicated environmental website, EcoPorts.

ESPO has carried out similar surveys since 1996 in order to track the performance and positive trends of the industry, as well as to highlight the benefits of voluntary self-regulation amongst the European port authorities

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