Eurotunnel to bid for ports

Cross-channel operator seeks management of Calais and Boulogne

By Rebecca Gibson |

Groupe Eurotunnel is reported to have confirmed it will submit a bid to manage the French ferry ports of Boulogne and Calais for the next 50 years. The two Channel ports are owned by the Nord Pas-de-Calais Regional Council and are currently managed by the Calais chamber of commerce, Cote d'Opale.

The announcement has raised concerns with other ferry companies, who are worried about the impact a successful bid could have upon cross-channel competition and regulation.

Eurotunnel already manages the Channel Tunnel, providing rail transport services to passengers and freight customers, and runs the Le Shuttle car carrier service. It also acquired three ferries in January 2012, following the liquidation of its former close competitor SeaFrance. Eurotunnel was referred to the Competition Commission in October 2012 after purchasing the ferries, amid fears that the reduction of competition would increase fares in the cross-channel transport market.

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