Fuelling a sustainable future for passenger shipping

Classification societies are helping shipowners to reduce carbon production

Fuelling a sustainable future for passenger shipping
Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore is helping to develop and implement new fuels for the marine industry

By Andreas Ullrich |

The preservation of our planet, specifically the oceans, requires us to change the way in which we live and use resources. We need to move away from an exploitative and polluting model to one where we sustain and nurture our environment. This holds true more for the oceans than any other environment, as they unite us all. As such, the maritime industry also connects everyone as it provides goods, services, employment and entertainment. 

The cruise and ferry industry understands that sustainability and conservation is critical within an environmental, social and governance portfolio that drives shareholder value and operational effectiveness. Consequently, steps must be taken to transition into a carbon-neutral, and on a longer perspective carbon-free, industry to reduce global warming. 

The International Maritime Organization and European Union has set the global marine industry the challenging and optimistic goal of producing zero carbon emissions by 2050.  

Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore (BV) is helping to shape a better and more sustainable maritime world by helping stakeholders to address the risks and capture the benefits of implementing new technologies and fuels, enabling them to make optimal commercial and operational decisions. To support the transition, BV developed industry-first rules for ammonia as fuel, new methanol rules, modern rules for wind propulsion systems and rules for hydrogen, which are to come in 2022.  

However, sustainability means far more than just implementing alternative fuels, rules and regulations. BV believes shipowners should aim for sustainability throughout the entire life cycle of a vessel, from concept to decommissioning and recycling. To achieve sustainability, they must give careful consideration to the environmental impact of a vessel from the very concept, to the materials and components, including how they will be used, recycled and reused. Other important things to be taken into consideration also include capabilities to facilitate onboard carbon capture, regulatory compliance along with 
ship-to-shore interfaces. 

BV believes that collaboration, open and constructive dialogue, and collective actions are the only ways the maritime industry can achieve its goal of producing zero-carbon emissions by 2050 and protecting our oceans for future generations.

Andreas Ullrich is global market leader of passenger ships and ferries at Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore 

This article was first published in the Spring/Summer 2022 issue of Cruise & Ferry Review. All information was correct at the time of printing, but may since have changed. 

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