Going green in the Med with collaboration

World Ocean Council is working with multiple stakeholders to turn the Mediterranean into a paragon for the zero-emission future while driving economic benefits

Going green in the Med with collaboration

Port of Barcelona

World Ocean Council is collaborating with the port of Barcelona and other stakeholders to turn the Spanish city into a leader in maritime sustainability

By Paul Holthus |

The shipping industry, which has traditionally been a major contributor to global emissions, is undergoing a radical shift driven by the imperative to achieve net-zero emissions.

This transformation is not just a response to regulatory pressures but also a proactive move by the industry to align with global sustainability goals. The Mediterranean region stands at the crossroads of maritime history and innovation, where traditional shipping routes intersect with pioneering environmental initiatives. As the world pivots towards sustainability, the shipping industry faces the formidable challenge of reducing its environmental footprint.  

A beacon in this transformative journey is the Green Marine Med project, which unites the Mediterranean Green Shipping Network and is backed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. This ambitious project aims to revolutionise green shipping across the Mediterranean by fostering collaboration between northern and southern shores. It mobilises the comprehensive Mediterranean green shipping community, representing the full value chain including actors from the full vessel community, ports and marinas, fuel and energy, as well as finance, investment, innovation and other stakeholders. 

The World Ocean Council (WOC), in partnership with the Centro Tecnologico Naval y del Mar, is coordinating Green Marine Med and leading a consortium of 18 international partners from across both shores of the Mediterranean. As a unique international alliance and a membership organisation, the global Blue Economy Business and Investment Organization WOC brings together multiple industries including prominent shipping companies, such as Swire Shipping, Maersk and Cruise Line Industry Association, to drive leadership, collaboration and action on sustainable development and corporate ocean responsibility. Through its involvement in initiatives like Green Marine Med, WOC demonstrates its commitment to leveraging corporate leadership to tackle critical challenges facing the ocean.  

The partnership between WOC and both the city and port of Barcelona in Spain further emphasises the commitment to promoting Barcelona as a global Blue Economy city. This alliance enhances the city’s role as a leader in maritime sustainability, attracting global attention and investment. Together with Barcelona, WOC will launch a revolutionary Center of Excellence on Mediterranean Green Shipping in 2024. This centre will not only serve as a hub for innovation and best practices but also as a platform for catalysing investment and pilot projects in green shipping startups throughout Mediterranean cities and ports. It aims to unite the private industry, investment sectors and experts from various fields to create a ‘community of practice’. This collaborative effort will tackle the multisectoral challenges and opportunities in green shipping, setting a global standard for maritime sustainability. 

Moreover, the Green Marine Med project is taking proactive steps to engage the comprehensive Mediterranean green shipping community. It includes stakeholders from the entire vessel value chain, ports, marinas and the energy sector. Through national and regional stakeholder events in Spain, Italy, Turkey, and via online platforms, the project is facilitating robust connections and fostering collaborations that are vital for the green transformation of the maritime sector. 

One of the highlights of this project is the upcoming challenge competition focused on Mediterranean green shipping, which will launch on 4 November 2024. It will identify and support the best green shipping innovations, providing crucial capacity-building training to selected startups and entrepreneurs during a mini bootcamp. This initiative will not only accelerate green innovation but also strengthen the region’s leadership in sustainable maritime practices. 

The Mediterranean region is not just navigating towards a greener future; it is setting a course for the rest of the world to follow. The journey to net zero in the shipping industry is undoubtedly complex and fraught with challenges. However, the collective commitment of Mediterranean partners and the innovative strategies emerging from projects like Green Marine Med provide a beacon of hope. The Mediterranean is poised to become a global exemplar of how regional collaboration and innovative thinking can lead to substantial environmental and economic benefits. As these initiatives unfold, they promise to redefine the maritime industry, paving the way for a sustainable, zero-emission future that harmoniously blends economic growth with environmental stewardship.  

Paul Holthus is CEO and founder of World Ocean Council  

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