Rebecca Gibson |
Norwegian exploration travel company Hurtigruten is to offer free flights from London on select 2017 explorer voyages that are booked by 31 August 2016.
The free flights offer covers a wide range of itineraries from nine-day voyages up to 21-day trips on the explorer programme. The voyages will take place on Hurtigruten’s expedition ships – Fram, Midnatsol, Nordstjernen and the recently christened Spitsbergen.
“We pride ourselves on being able to take our guests to some of the most unique places in the world with our explorer ships and we are delighted that the offer will include our new destinations Greenland, Canada and Newfoundland,” said Anthony Daniels, head of UK sales at Hurtigruten. “We hope that this offer will make getting from home to an adventure of a lifetime for our customers even simpler.”
Guests can choose from more than 200 activities during their cruise, including hiking, dog sledging and guided tours with experts to immerse themselves in local culture.