Interferry reveals key topics for its upcoming conference

Sessions to focus on cybersecurity, ship recycling, safety, hydrogen power and more

Interferry reveals key topics for its upcoming conference

By Rebecca Gibson |

Cybersecurity, ship recycling and disposal, firefighting techniques, domestic ferry safety, hydrogen power and ferry-specific ballast water management systems will be some of the key topics discussed at Interferry’s 43rd annual conference this October.

To be hosted by ferry operator Ultramar in Cancun, Mexico, the conference will focus on the main challenges and opportunities facing ferry companies and ferry ports. It will open with a keynote on security from the Royal Norwegian Navy’s Commander Ben Lofstad, who is also the director of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Shipping Centre (NSC), the primary link between naval authorities and the commercial sector. Lofstad will highlight the importance of having strict security measures onboard ferries and at ports, as well as the risks of cyberattacks. He will also outline the role the NSC plays in alerting shipowners and ports to perceived threats and incidents, and how it can help with preventive measures.

“Seen from a military standpoint, the current threat level towards the shipping industry is relatively low,” said Lofstad. “However, due to the changing nature of threat, now including terrorism and the cyber domain, it’s increasingly important that communication between military and civilian maritime security stakeholders is two-way. We need to know if seafarers see or suspect anything unusual so that we can compile and share the information and build mutual confidence in what we are doing.”

In addition, Mark Sutcliffe, founder and director of the CSO Alliance of maritime security officers, will give a presentation about a new initiative to combat cyberattacks and plans for a sector-specific security alliance between ferry ports and ferry operators. Similarly, Interferry’s own security committee will present updates on its research into ferry security and how its ‘Possible Measures’ guidance will enable operators to choose bespoke solutions that are best suited to their specific operational needs.

Safety will also be a key theme at the event and delegates will be able to attend sessions covering firefighting techniques, first responder equipment and training, the use of affordable automatic identification system responders, automated draught indicator systems, and more. Interferry’s new domestic ferry safety committee will also update attendees on the progress it has made with its risk assessment and action plan for increasing operational safety in developing nations.

Interferry’s conference will also focus on the environment. Sessions will open with a keynote by Robin Silvester, president and CEO of the Port of Vancouver, which is widely recognised for its sustainability initiatives and incentives for port users to cut carbon and noise emissions. Plus, representatives from the Baltic and International Maritime Council, legal firms, class societies and shipbreaking companies will also host a panel on the potential financial benefits of ship recycling and disposal.

Other sessions will explore environmentally friendly solutions for ship designs and propulsion. Discussions will centre on hull forms, hydrogen power, lightweight materials, the benefits of zinc underwater coatings and ferry-specific ballast water management systems.

“Ferries already provide one of the safest and most eco-friendly means of transporting passengers and goods, but sharing information and experience from industry experts ensures that operators stay up-to-date on potential threats, future challenges and, more importantly, how to manage them,” said Mike Corrigan, Interferry CEO.

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