Prinsesse Benedikte to resume service by end of June

Scandlines ferry to undergo repairs at Remontowa yard after being damaged during outdocking
Prinsesse Benedikte to resume service by end of June
Prinsesse Benedikte will resume service by the end of June 2015

By Rebecca Gibson |

Scandlines ferry Prinsesse Benedikte is due to resume service in June 2015 when she has undergone repairs at the Remontowa shipyard in Poland.

Prinsesse Benedikte was damaged while outdocking at the Gdansk yard on 11 March after undergoing a scheduled three-week refit to add a new diesel engine, radar system, ventilation system, scrubber and underwater coating.

During outdocking process, the floating dock keeled over and the ship slipped from the keel block, falling around two metres and landing against the dock wall with a 13-degree list. Holes formed in the side of the hull, causing water to penetrate the length of the ship.

Following an extensive clear-up and inspection, Remontowa and Scandlines’ have now started repair work, which is expected to last around three months.

Prinsesse Benedikte operates on the Puttgarden-Rødby route alongside Prins Richard, Schleswig-Holstein and Deutschland, which will now depart every 40 minutes from both Puttgarden and Rødby until the end of June 2015.

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