Rebecca Gibson |
International classification society RINA has certified MSC Cruises under its Best Management Scheme.
RINA’s scheme recognises management excellence with standards that go beyond the requirements of statutory rules and codes, such as International Safety Management, International Ship and Port Facility Security and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.
The certification covers all aspects of managing a cruise line company with particular attention to safety operations and the training required to deal with emergency situations effectively. It also takes into account consumables, logistics, services, safety and equipment maintenance.
MSC Cruises was assessed using a points-based system across all management areas and obtained the highest possible scores in the fields of safety, management and sustainability.
The company was certified for displaying excellence in three specific areas; environment, technical operations and human resource. Its sustainability and energy-saving initiatives were highlighted, while RINA reviewed various technical issues including operational and technical competence, energy efficiency and emergency response. In addition, RINA assessed the company’s recruitment and staff training procedures both onshore and at sea, the quality of management, the health and safety of personnel and passengers, and food and service for guests. Anti-piracy measures were also evaluated.