Stena Group fits WIF homogenisers to 16 vessels

Technology reduces harmful emissions and minimises fuel consumption

Stena Group fits WIF homogenisers to 16 vessels

By Rebecca Gibson |

Stena has fitted water-in-fuel (WIF) homogenisers from Lemag homogenisers onboard 16 of its passenger and cargo vessels to reduce nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, particulate matter and other emissions, and minimise fuel consumption.

First fitted on Stena Carrier in 2010, Lemag’s SLASHPOL E-WIF system comprises torsion meters, Coriolis or PD fuel meters, a V-Per monitoring and management system, and various safety devices.

Since implementing the systems, Stena has recorded a ‘noticeable reduction’ in fuel consumption and a significant reduction in black smoke during start-up and manoeuvring procedures, as well as at full load.

“We have had a long working relationship with Stena and we have achieved a lot in the last five years, not only by reducing its emissions on 16 vessels, but also reducing their fuel consumption,” said Thomas Porep, owner and managing director of Lemag. “I expect this partnership to continue and hopefully grow.”

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