Cruise & Ferry Review - Autumn/Winter 2021

1 5 1 INTERV IEW A reinvigorated return Alan McVitty tells Richard Humphreys why M Studio London is primed and ready to begin working on cruise industry projects again A s the cruise sector has largely been on a hiatus over the past 18 months, interior design company M Studio London decided to use its diverse skills and adapt to the situation by working on various residential and hotel projects. “Doing suite reinventions for InterContinental Porto – Palacio Das Cardosas in Portugal, and a residential project alongside award- winning Scott Brownrigg Architects can only help us provide a better service to cruise clients as the industry opens up,” says Alan McVitty, founder of M Studio London. “Our team is made up of skilled designers from a wide variety of backgrounds, which gives the company a special flair. All the projects we undertake are very much in the luxury category and the work reflects the company’s passion and sense of style.” Soon, M Studio will return to demonstrating its design skills and style in various cruise industry projects. Some of its notable past projects include the refurbishment it completed on the Windstar fleet, creating yacht-style interiors that continue to be well received by passengers. Another example is the company’s refit of Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth 2 and Queen Mary 2. The Britannia Club restaurant that M Studio created on Cunard’s Queen Victoria has also proved to be a popular addition. “Now with cruising beginning to open up, we will be working on projects that were placed on hold due to the Covid-19 crisis,” says McVitty. “We are looking forward to working with our partners within the industry again.” CFR “ Our team is made up of skilled designers from a wide variety of backgrounds”