Cruise & Ferry Review - Spring/Summer 2021

1 3 0 Royal Caribbean Group used data and technology to help it plan protocols to keep guests safe and healthy when sailing onboard Quantum of the Seas INTERV IEW Royal Caribbean Group is using data to shape the future. “Data is really at forefront of so many components of our operations, which makes it very interesting,” says Poulter. In terms of marine operations, Royal Caribbean Group has seen great benefits from using its internal data to gain insights into fuel consumption, ship speed, weather patterns and currents to enable it to maximise fuel efficiency. This year, the organisation will also begin to explore how data can be used to optimise food production. “We are looking at how we can determine what are the drivers of food waste,” says Poulter. “For example, if there’s an excess of boeuf bourguignon, was it that the guests didn’t like it, did we make too much, or did we produce too much at the restaurant’s closing time? What’s the impact of plate sizes? “We are trying to find what data points we want to establish so we can see what the drivers of the consumption of food and the production of food are. We know we can alter our processes, but first we need more information around the whole supply chain. We are trying to put more discipline into the process of food so we can make some informed decisions.” Next, Royal Caribbean Group will focus on gaming, using technology at both the tables and the machines to discover how and when players are engaging in order to create a loyalty programme. “We want to know whether the games are being used, and whether they are the right games. This will then drive insight into future investment of games,” explains Poulter, adding that this could be extended into areas such as optimising the floor layout in a casino. From online sales to travels, from the supply chain to cybersecurity, IT is proving an invaluable and vital part of the business. “All our data helps to figure out how to do the best,” explains Poulter. “It helps to keep us safe and to manage business risk.” And more impressive, it must be remembered that all this is conducted on moving platforms that require satellite connections. “For all the business onshore, we have the added complexity that we are dealing with a product that moves on water.” CFR Photo: RCI