1 6 8 INTERV IEW Staying safe in the sun Rebecca Gibson asks Paul Pringle how Solarglide’s anti-glare bridge sunscreens help crew members to safely navigate cruise ships and passenger ferries For many people sailing at sea, bright and sunny weather is ideal, but it can cause significant challenges for the captain and other members of the navigational team. “The bridge features multiple expansive windows, and bright sunlight or reflections from the ocean shining directly into the area can impair crew members’ vision and cause glare on computer screens, making it difficult to navigate safely,” says Paul Pringle, managing director of window treatment solutions provider Solarglide. “In addition, strong sunlight shining onto multiple panels of glass will quickly turn the bridge area into a scorching hothouse, making it unbearable for crew members to work. To combat this, Pringle advises shipowners to install anti-glare sunscreens. “Anti-glare sunscreens block direct sunlight, but still allow crew members full visibility, thereby reducing the risk of collisions,” he explains. “They also help to moderate the temperature of the bridge area, enabling crew members to stay cool and productive, even when sailing in tropical climates. Not only does this significantly improve the employee experience, but it also enables shipowners to turn down air conditioning systems, which will result in long-term energy and cost savings.” Designed specifically for the marine industry, Solarglide’s retractable antiglare marine sunscreens are custommade in the UK to fit the exact shape and size of individual windows and are available in four colours – gold, silver, grey and bronze. Customers can choose cassetted and non-cassetted sunscreens that are operated manually, or hardwired motorised or solar-powered options. “We specialise in developing solutions for angled or awkwardly shaped windows, and we can manufacture screens up to 3.5 metres in width, which is ideal for ships with large forwardfacing windows,” says Pringle. “The array of available operating mechanisms ensures that the sunscreens remain stable, even when the ship is sailing in adverse weather. They’re also quiet and have been vibration tested.” Crucially, adds Pringle, Solarglide’s sunscreens are fully compliant with Safety of Life at Sea bridge navigation “ Solarglide’s antiglare sunscreens truly are an essential product for any ocean-going vessel”