Cruise & Ferry Interiors 2024

1 £24.00 Follow Cruise & Ferry: Published by Tudor Rose Tudor House, 6 Friar Lane Leicester LE1 5RA Tel: +44 116 2229900 ISSN 1367-2657 (Print) ISSN 2635-0394 (Online) Printed in Great Britain by The Manson Group. © 2024 Tudor Rose Holdings Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be stored or transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, including whether by photocopying, scanning, downloading onto computer or otherwise without the prior written permission from Tudor Rose Holdings Ltd. Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Acceptance of advertisements does not imply official endorsement of the products or services concerned. While every care has been taken to ensure accuracy of content, no responsibility can be taken for any errors and/or omissions. Readers should take appropriate professional advice before acting on any issue raised herein. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject advertising material and editorial contributions. The publisher assumes no liability for the return or safety of unsolicited art, photography or manuscripts. Executive editor Jon Ingleton Head of editorial Rebecca Gibson Editor Alex Smith Editorial team Alice Chambers, Amber Hickman, Richard Humphreys, Laura Hyde Editorial contributors Michele Witthaus Publication manager Shelly Palmer Account managers Teala Francis, Kimberley McLean, Benedict Pask Publisher Toby Ingleton Production manager Stuart Fairbrother Design Bruce Graham, Libby Sidebotham, Dhanika Vansia Cover design concept courtesy of Liz Schneider Interiors Website development Chris Jackson Advertise Subscribe Trends are characterised by the whims of people and, because we’re a capricious species, they can quickly fade. If we spend time chasing trends, we can also stifle our creativity and invention. Conversely, great design is enduring. Skilfully conceived and thoughtfully realised, it delivers a positive experience that is testament to a designer’s expertise and imagination. This year’s issue of Cruise & Ferry Interiors again profiles people and businesses that routinely deliver great design, such as Marco Pastorini, formerly of Independent Maritime Advisors, who spoke with us for our Keynote piece on page 10, and interior designer Liz Schneider, who conceived the idea for our stellar cover image. Read our interview with Schneider on page 40. More examples of abiding interiors can be found in our ‘Designed to last’ feature, on page 44, as well as in our Design Perspectives and Interior Commentaries, starting on page 64. For cruise ship and ferry interiors, great design is about much more than aesthetics. Sustainability, diversity and inclusion, multifunctional spaces, cultural or regional references and timelessness are all among the many attributes that are considered in the creative process. And great design is also, of course, a very personal experience. As you browse through the materials, products and interiors we have showcased in this issue, we hope you find plenty that inspires your own sense of style. Jon Ingleton Executive Editor, Cruise & Ferry Interiors Beyond trends Foreword 2024