Cruise & Ferry Interiors 2024

88 INTERVIEW S trong founding principles lay a critical baseline for every creative endeavour, and interior design firm BG Studio has taken inspiration from an innovator of the past to establish its own vision. “Echoing the wisdom of Leonardo Da Vinci, we passionately believe that ‘simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’,” says Francesca Bucci, president and founder of BG Studio. “We align with the principle that great design is defined by the ability to translate convoluted concepts into clear and understandable forms. We create designs that speak volumes through their simplicity with harmony of geometry, colour and proportions.” BG Studio has followed this principle across a wide variety of cruise ship projects, aiming to deliver spaces that go above and beyond their clients’ expectations. To achieve this, Bucci believes that there needs to be room in a project brief for a designer to adapt to the unexpected. “In our firm, we see briefs as a necessary form of guidance from the client and a roadmap for the project,” says Bucci. “However, no matter how well crafted a brief is, there are always unforeseen complexities that arise during the course of a project. It is important that the brief allows for flexibility, so we are free to explore our own creative ways to reach the client’s goals by introducing original ideas that go above and beyond the initial roadmap.” The journey to a great design isn’t entirely founded on process steps, Bucci suggests. There’s some magic intertwined with the creative practice. “We first make sure that we understand all the requirements, the context, the users, the timeline and the budget,” says Bucci. “These steps are always necessary. Then we go into a ‘dreamstorming’ session where we freely explore all sort of ideas until we are able to craft a thoughtful storyboard for the project that satisfies the requirements and our creativity.” The hallmarks of great design Jon Ingleton talks to Francesca Bucci about how BG Studio is pursuing excellence and delivering great designs for its clients