Cruise & Ferry Interiors 2024

89 “ Innovation is not just about bringing something new to the table, it’s about solving a challenge with one eye to the future and the other to the users of the space” It’s hard to define greatness in design in an objective way, as it is subject to the perspectives of the designer, client and user. However, Bucci identifies some of her own measures of a successful project. “I wish I knew the magic formula!” she says. “But context and client-specific goals is where we always start. If I can only apply three parameters, I will choose innovation, aesthetics and engagement.” She explains: “Innovation is not just about bringing something new to the table, it’s about solving a challenge with one eye to the future and the other to the users of the space. Aesthetics and engagement go often hand in hand and they play a huge role in how people perceive and connect with a certain design, how they interact with it and enjoy being in that particular space.” Bucci takes satisfaction in successfully completing a project, but for her, the outcome is determined by the guests. “In the end, it is all about creating an experience that captivates the guests and keeps them coming back for more,” she says. “If a design is able to achieve that, I think it’s likely to be considered truly great.” BG Studio created the Art Gallery (left) and the Cosmopolitan main dining room onboard Celebrity Ascent