Cruise & Ferry Itinerary Planning 2020
Ideally situated, withinwalking distance of CapeTown’s culturally-rich inner city, and on the doorstep of themagnificentV&AWaterfront, with its world class shops, restaurants, hotels and diverse entertainment options, the CapeTownCruiseTerminal is the gateway to these iconic destinations. The terminal, operated by theV&AWaterfront, provides access to amenities such as customs and immigrations check-ins, baggage collection, foreign exchange, restaurants, and a variety of transport and tourism information services. Berth at the Cape Town Cruise Terminal and experience this bustling, cosmopolitan city for yourself. Awarded ‘Best Destination in Africa’ for four consecutive years, Cape Town is at the top of every bucket list, and one of the most sought-after destinations in the world. DRIVE TO clOsEsT gamE REsERVE DIsTaNcE TO capE TOwN INTERNaTIONal aIRpORT FAST FACTS 7km 20km 3.8km 20 minutes clOsEsT BluE flag sTaTus BEach 20 minutes 20 minutes > 2 hours DIsTaNcE TO TaBlE mOuNTaIN caBlEway DRIVE TO KIRsTENBOsch BOTaNIcal gaRDENs DIsTaNcE TO gROOT cONsTaNTIa VINEyaRD ROBBEN IslaND musEum DIsTaNcE TO casTlE Of gOOD hOpE TO clOcK TOwER DIsTRIcT 5 minute walk T H E C a p E Town C ru i s E T E rm i na l Gateway tO CaPetOwN the V&A WAterfront the CAPe toWn CrUISe terMInAL
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