Sustainable Maritime Interiors - 2022 Report

100 By adopting widely trusted standards, frameworks and certification systems, organisations can prove their credentials to clients, end users and suppliers. These systems provide a structured way for businesses to identify their environmental goals and to set priorities for change. They also allow potential business partners to have confidence in the sustainability claims of the organisation. Participants in this report told us that decisions regarding which systems to work with would be helped by agreement across the industry regarding trusted organisations so that supplier investment in this process is valuable to them as well as to ship owners. This would also help suppliers that are considering certification to shortlist which to work with. Another area of concern highlighted by participants in the report is that, although design firms creating interiors for cruise and ferry operators are aware of the wide range of certification systems, there is no guidance available on which ones are most suitable for them to work with. In addition, systems such as LEED and BREEAM are designed for land-based buildings, not ships, which means that they are only partly applicable to ships. And, although the major classification societies are active in providing support for sustainable ship design in general, there is no system specifically aimed at maritime interiors. All of these issues are exacerbated for firms working in several different country markets (or even in different EU Member States), as they encounter different systems across borders and tackle the timeconsuming and expensive process of ensuring they meet the requirements of each of them. Solutions suggested by respondents include working towards a joint initiative to create a best practice framework for maritime design ratified by the classification societies and/or IMO. However, this ideal scenario is still a long way from the current confusing situation that firms have to manage. Green building certifications To date, there is no green building standard for passenger ships but many operators have taken the core of a land-based programme to create their own internal standard. Six standards were frequently referenced by contributors to this report: US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) “LEED-certified buildings save money, improve efficiency, lower carbon emissions and create healthier places for people,” says the US Green Building Council. To achieve certification, a project earns points by adhering to prerequisites and credits that address carbon, energy, water, waste, transportation, materials, health and indoor environmental quality. Following a verification and review process, projects are awarded points that correspond to a level of LEED certification. Frameworks, standards and certification INTERNAT IONAL WI SDOM